51.    In case of impulse steam turbine

(a) there is enthalpy drop in fixed and moving blades
(b) there is enthalpy drop only in moving blades
(c) there is enthalpy drop in nozzles
(d) none of the above

Ans: c


52.    The pressure on the two sides of the impulse wheel of a steam turbine

(a) is same
(b) is different
(c) increases from one side to the other side
(d) decreases from one side to the other side

Ans: a


53.    In De Laval steam turbine

(a)    the pressure in the turbine rotor is approximately same as in con¬denser
(b)    the pressure in the turbine rotor is higher than pressure in the con¬denser
(c)    the pressure in the turbine rotor gradually decreases from inlet to exit from condenser
(d)    none from the above

Ans: a


54.    Incase of reaction steam turbine

(a)     there is enthalpy drop both in fixed and moving blades
(b)     there is enthalpy drop only in fixed blades
(c)    there is enthalpy drop only in moving blades
(d)    none of the above

Ans: a


55.    Curtis turbine is

(a)     reaction steam turbine
(b)     pressure velocity compounded steam turbine
(c)    pressure compounded impulse steam turbine
(d)    velocity compounded impulse steam turbine

Ans: b


56.    Rateau steam turbine is

(a)     reaction steam turbine
(b)     velocity compounded impulse steam turbine
(c)    pressure compounded impulse steam turbine
(d)    pressure velocity compounded steam turbine

Ans: c


57.    Parson’s turbine is

(a)     pressure compounded steam turbine
(b)     simple single wheel, impulse steam turbine
(c)    simple single wheel reaction steam turbine
(d)    multi wheel reaction steam turbine

Ans: d


58.   For Parson’s reaction steam turbine, degree of reaction is

(a) 75%
(b) 100%
(c) 50%
(d) 60%

Ans: c


59.    Reheat factor in steam turbines depends on

(a)    exit pressure only
(b)    stage efficiency only
(c)    initial pressures and temperature only
(d)    all of the above

Ans: c


60.    The value of reheat factor normally varies from

(a) 0.5 to 0.6
(b) 0.9 to 0.95
(c) 1.02 to 1.06
(d) 1.2 to 1.6

Ans: c


61.    Steam turbines are governed by the following methods

(a)    Throttle governing
(b)    Nozzle control governing
(c)    By-pass governing
(d)    all of the above

Ans: d


62.    In steam turbines the reheat factor

(a)     increases with the increase in number of stages
(b)     decreases with the increase in number of stages
(c)    remains same irrespective of number of stages
(d)    none of the above

Ans: a



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Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus. Aenean fermentum, eget tincidunt.


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