Steam power plant

1. The thermal efficiency of a steam power station is.......







2. Rankine cycle efficiency in a good steam power station may be in the range between........

   A.15% - 20%

   B.35% - 40%

   C.50% - 60%

   D.90% - 95%

B.35% - 40%


3. A steam power station requires space........

   A.Equal to diesel power station

   B.More than diesel power station

   C.More than diesel power station

   D.None of the above

B.More than diesel power station


4. The height of chimney in a staem power plant is governed by........

   A.Flue gases quantity

   B.The draught to be produced

   C.Control of pollution

   D.Corner of power plant

 B.The draught to be produced


5. The major heat loss in a steam power station occurs in ........

   A.Heat chamber

   B. Pen-stock




6. The major heat loss in a steam power station occurs in.......

   A. Economizer



   D.None of the above



7. The cost of fuel transportation is maximum in........

   A.Hydro-electric power plant

   B.Steam power plant

   C.Nuclear power plant

   D.90% - 95%

 B.Steam power plant


8. Which of the following station is least efficient........

   A.Nuclear power plant

   B.Diesel power station

   C.Thermal power station

   D.None of the above

C.Thermal power station


9. ........requires more space

   A.Nuclear power plant

   B.Hydro-electric power plant

   C.Thermal power plant

   D.Diesel power plant

C.Thermal power plant


10. Standby loss is maximum in........

   A.Nuclear power plant

   B.Hydro-electric power plant

   C.Thermal power plant

   D.Diesel power plant

 C.Thermal power plant


11. Francis,kaplan and propeller turbines fall under the category of.......

   A.Impulse turbine

   B.Reaction turbine

   C.Impulse reaction combined

   D.Axial flow

B.Reaction turbine

12. In reaction turbine,function of the draft tube is........

   A.To increase the flow rate

   B.To reduce water hammer effect

   C.To convert kinetic energy of water to potential energy by a gradual expansion in diverge part

   D.None of the above

 B.To reduce water hammer effect


13. Pelton turbine is suitable for high head and........

   A.High discharge

   B.Low discharge

   C.High and low discharge

   D.None of the above

 B.Low discharge


14. Francis turbine is usually used for........

   A.High head

   B.Low head

   C.Mediam head

   D.All of the above

 C.Mediam head


15. Pelton wheel turbine is used for minimum of the following heads........

   A.20 m

   B.40 m

   C.120 m

   D.180 m and above

D.180m and above



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