13-The rate of change of wind
speed with height is called
(A) Wind shear
(B) Wind rose
(C) Wind solidity
(D) None of the above
Ans A
14-At gradient height the shear
force is
(A) Zero
(B) Minimum
(C) Maximum
(D) None of the above
Ans A
15-The gradient height is about
_____ m from the ground.
(A) 500
(B) 1000
(C) 1500
(D) 2000
Ans D
16-The atmosphere with uniform
wind speed is called the ____ atmosphere
(A) Plain
(B) Surface
(C) Free
(D) Shear
Ans C
17-Surface layer is the air
layer considered from the height of local obstruction to a height of about
(A) 50m
(B) 100m
(C) 150m
(D) 200m
Ans B
18-Air layer from 100m that
extends up to the gradient height is known as
(A) Surface layer
(B) Ekman layer
(C) Boundary layer
(D) None of the above
Ans B
19-Low solidity rotors use
which of the following force for rotation
(A) Drag
(B) Lift
(C) Centrifugal
(D) Centripetal
Ans B
20-The following is the
tangential velocity of the blade due to the rotation of blade.
(A) Wind velocity
(B) Incident wind velocity
(C) Blade linear velocity
(D) Relative velocity
Ans C
21-Turbines blades have ____
type cross section to extract energy from wind.
(A) Aerofoil
(B) Elliptical
(C) Rectangular
(D) All of the above
Ans A
22-The Nacelle of windmill
(A) Gearbox
(B) Brakes
(C) Generator
(D) All of the above
Ans D