1. It is a cutting operation for producing desired shape and size
hole in the product is known as a punching ?
(A) True
(B) False
Option (A ) is correct answer
2. This is an operation in which the material is cut straight or in the shape of the product into into different pieces is known as a cutting off ?
(A) False
(B) True
Option (B) is correct answer
3. Trimming is a finishing operation in in Which fiash for
additional metal from the product is " removed ?
(A) true
(B) False
Option (A) is correct answer
4. Bending is the operation of permanently bending the flat strip
of sheet by straightening them uniformly around a linear axis is which lies in
the natural plane and perpendicular to the lengthwise direction of sheet or
(A) True
(B) False
Option (A ) is correct answer
5. Drawing is the operation in which follow shape is form from of
flat work piece by mean of a point which cause the blank to flow into die cavity?
(A) True (8) False
Option (A ) is correct answer
6. Methods to find centre of pressure ?
(A) Analytical method (B) Graphical method (C) Wire method
(D) All of the above
Option (D) is correct answer
7. The scrap layout is decided by considering the following
(A)Kind of material type and thickness of scrap strip
(B) Minimum clearance need on the blanking
(c)Effect of unbalanced force parallel to the press working force
(D) All of the above
Option (D) is correct answer
8. Types of strip layout?
(A) Straight layout (B) Staggered layout (C) Angular layout
(D) All of the above
Option (D) is correct answer
9. List the different types of stop?
(A) Finger stop
(B) Pawl stop
(C) Trigger stop
(D) All of the above
Option (D) is correct answer
10. List the functions of pilot?
(A)to control overfeeding and locate the material accurately
(B)To prevent buckling of strip caused by the stop
(C)To prevent under feeding of material in case of mechanical
(D) All of the above
Option (D) is correct answer
11. The function of stripper is ?
(A) To strip of the material from the punch (B) Remove material
from the punch (C) fixed the strip and punch (D) None of the above
Option (A) is correct answer
12. When the cut force on left in Die blocked due to friction and
does doesn't stick with the RAM returning back an arrangement is to be made to
separate it this arrangement is called as a knockout mechanism?
(A) True (B) False
(A ) is correct answer
13. Types of knockout ?
(A) Positive knockout (B) String operated knockout (C) Air
operated knockout (D) All of the above
Option (D) is correct answer
14. List the application of cutting die ?
(A) Cutting the sheet metal in two parts
(B)Removal of the desired shape from the edge of plate
(C)Cutting a sheet metal in a straight line along with the length
(D) All of the above
Option (D) is correct answer
15. Stock strip has to pass more than one station to complete the
component as the shape of a product is obtained in progression in different
Press Tool operation this die is called as a progressive die ?
(A) True
(B) False
Option (A) is correct answer
16. operation of cutting of a flat sheet to the desired shape is
called ?
(A) Shearing (B) Blanking (C) Piercing (D) Punching
Option (B) is correct answer
17. In blanking operation, clearance is provided on
(A) Punch (B) Die (C) In Both (D) None of the above
Option (A) is correct answer
18. Punching a number of holes in a sheet is known as ?
(A) Perforating (B) Parting (C) Notching (D) Lancing
Option (A ) is correct answer
19. Shearing the sheet into two or more piece is known as ?
(A) Perforating (B) Parting (C) Notching (D) Lancing
Option (B) is correct answer
20. Removing the pieces from the edge in shearing operation is
known as ?
(A) Perforating (B) Parting (C) Notching (D) Lancing
Option (C) is correct answer
21. Leaving a tab without removing any material is known as ?
(A) Perforating (B) Parting (C) Notching (D) Lancing
Option (D) is correct answer
22. As the clearance increase, the punch force required ?
(A) Decreases (B) Increases (C) Remains the same (D) First
increases and then decreases
Option (D) is correct answer
23. During drawing operation the states of stress in cup would
include ?
(A) Compressive stress (B) Tensile stress (C) Both A and B (D)
None of the above
Option (C) is correct answer