Tool Engineering MCQ

1. the ability of material to resist fracture due to high impact load is called.

A strength

B stiffness

C toughness

D Brittleness

(Ans : C)

2. the maintainability of steel is improved by adding

A nickel

B chromium

C nickel & chromium

D suphur,lead,phospharas

(Ans : D)

3. The ascending order of evolution of materials used for making the cutting tools is

(A) bronze – stone – steel – iron

(B) iron – steel – bronze – stone 

(C) stone – bronze – iron – steel

(D) bronze – stone – steel – iron

(Ans : C)

4. The materials are added to cutting tools to increase their properties. Match the following

1.Tungsten     a. Hardness

2.Carbon         b. Hot hardness

3.Vanadium   c. Wear resistance

The correct order is

(A) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c

(B) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b

(C) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a

(D) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c

 (Ans : A)

5. vanadium when added to steel

(A) increase tensile strength

(B) decrease tensile strength

(Ans : A)

6. 18-4-1 high speed steel containts

(A) vanadium 4% chromium 18% tungsten 1%

(B) vanadium 1% chromium 4% tungsten 18%

(C) vanadium 18% chromium 4% tungsten 1%

(Ans : B)

7. Which of the following is second hardest substance known?

(A) Ceramics

(B) Cermets

(C) Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN)

(D) Diamond

(Ans : C)

8. Which of the following tools are generally manufactured by Powder metallurgy?

(A) Low carbon steel

(B) Abrasives

(C) High carbon steel

(D) Cemented carbides

(Ans: D)

9.  Corrundum is a/an

(A) Diamond

(B) Abrasive

(C) Ceramic

(D) None of the above

(Ans: B)

10.  Which of the following is hardest known material?

(A) Cemented carbide

(B) Ceramics

(C) Cubic boron nitride (CBN)

(D) Diamond

(Ans : D)

11. nikel when added to cooper improves

(A) Machinabilty

(B) Hardness

(C) Strength

(Ans : B)


12. The cutting tool wears due to

(A) Edge wear

(B) Crater wear

(C) Flank wear

(D) All of the above

(Ans: D)


13. The built up edge in cutting tools can be eliminated by

(A) Fast cutting speed

(B) Higher rake angles

(C) High pressure cutting fluid

(D) All of the above

(Ans: D)

14. The cutting speed of High speed steels is ___ times faster than Carbon steel

(A) 2

(B) 4

(C) 6

(D) 8

(Ans: B)


15. Which of the following cutting tool has highest hot hardness?

(A) Ceramics

(B) Cast alloys

(C) High speed steels

(D) Carbon tool steel

(Ans: A)


16. In a single point turning operation with a cemented carbide and steel combination having a Taylor exponent of 0.25, if the cutting speed is halved, then the tool life will become

(A) Half

(B) Two times

(C) Eight times

(D) Sixteen times

(Ans: D)



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