TSEE MCQ part 4
16. Air venting
in a steam system is required because air is ___________.
a) A good
conductor b) An insulator
c) Inert d)
Answer B
17. Furnace wall
heat loss does not depend on
a) Temperatures
of external wall surfaces b) Velocity of air around the furnace
c) Thermal
conductivity of wall brick d) Material of stock to be heated
Answer D
18. In a CFBC
boiler _________ are required to capture large recycled amount of bed material
a) Settling
chambers b) Mechanical cyclones
c) Bag filters d) Scrubbers
Answer B
19. Example for
basic type of refractory is
a) Chrome b)
Chrome magnesite
c) Alumina d) All
the above
Answer B
20. Which
material is used to control SO2 emissions in FBC boilers
a) CaO b) Lime
c) Silica d) Sand
Answer B
21. The
effectiveness of a heat exchanger does not depend on
a) Specific heat
of hot fluid b) Specific heat of cold fluid
c) Inlet
temperature of hot fluid d) LMTD
Answer D
22. Which of the
following fuel needs maximum amount of excess air for complete
a) Furnace oil b)
Natural gas
c) Pulverised
coal d) Wood
Answer D
23. In a coal
fired boiler, which parameter influences flame profile the most?
a) Fixed carbon
b) Volatile matter
c) Hydrogen d)
All of the above
Answer B
24. Which one of
the following boilers utilizes the combination of suspension and grate
a) Spreader
stoker boiler b) Fluidized bed boiler
c) Traveling grate stoker boiler d) Pulverized fuel
Answer A
25. In an oil
fired steam boiler the Air to Fuel ratio by mass is 15:1 & evaporation
ratio is
14:1. The flue
gas to fuel ratio will be
a) 29:1 b) 16:1
c) 1:1 d) 15:1
Answer B
26. The maximum
possible evaporation ratio of a boiler (From & At 100 ºC basis) fired with coal
having a calorific value of 4050 kcal/kg and operating at 80 % efficiency will
a) 5 b) 6
c) 7.5 d) 9.4
Answer B
28. Radiation
losses from the surface of a boiler practically
a) Increase with
increase in boiler loading
b) Decrease with
increase in boiler loading
c) Are
independent of boiler loading
d) Are dependent on boiler loading
Answer C
29. Desirable
boiler water pH should be ?
a) 5 - 7 b) 7 - 9
c) 9 - 11 d) None
of the above
Answer B
30. Soot
deposition on boiler tubes is due to
a) Poor water
treatment b) High moisture content in fuel
c) High excess
air d) Incomplete combustion
Answer D